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Friday, September 14, 2007

Ten Wrestlers Suspended For Steroids

It was announced that ten wrestlers were suspended for Wellness Policy violations but no names were mentioned. After watching tonight's show and analyzing the five members of the SmackDown roster named in the reports, I think I have finally figured out who the ten suspended wrestlers are.

Edge & Gregory Helms
Both wrestlers are currently out of action due to legitimate injuries. Both wrestlers also were originally named in this scandal earlier this year and denied using the substances (Edge's plea, Helm's plea) in question after the Wellness Policy started in February 2006. Their cries of innocence are contradicted by the Sports Illustrated article that says that Edge got somatropin, genotropin, and stanozolol between September 2004 and February 2007 and Helms got testosterone, genotropin, and nandrolone between November 2003 and February 2007.
Opinion & Analysis: Because both men are already out of the ring due to injuries, it is very easy for the WWE to suspend them without pay. This way the WWE look like they are doing something about the problem while they save money by not paying wrestlers that are sitting out with injuries that they got while making money for the company.

Batista was linked to this by an ESPN article that does not contain the same level of detail that the SI article has. On tonight's show, Batista was given a main event title shot at Unforgiven. It must be noted that Batista claims innocence and has written the following on his website:

"To my fans and friends:
I categorically deny a report on ESPN.com, and repeated by other media outlets, that I am or ever have been a customer of Signature Pharmacy of Orlando, an on-line pharmacy company that is a target of an investigation by the Albany, New York District Attorney's Office.
I am being tested regularly by the WWE, and I am in full compliance with the WWE Wellness Program.
I regret the inaccurate reporting, and I will do all I can in the future to stop any publication or anyone from making such false accusations."

Opinion & Analysis: This is a tough one. On the one hand, the two statements by Edge and Helms pleading their innocence look to be untrue. While it would be easy to say that the media must be right, the recent death of Richard Jewell should remind us all against rushing to judgment and remember that we live in a country where people are innocent until proven guilty. Batista is stuck in the middle of a bad situation because names are not being named. This unfortunate situation should not happen again after November 1.

Obviously Batista hasn't been suspended. In what I will call a coincidence, since the names came out last week, the two biggest stars have each been given a main event title shot at Unforgiven. I don't want to say that the policy and the punishment seem based on your position in the company but if it looks like a rat and smells like a rat then it just might be one.

Chavo Guerrero
If I discovered the dead body of my uncle that died due to this junk, I know I would stop putting that stuff in my system. According to Sports Illustrated, it took six months for Chavo to stop ordering somatropin, nandrolone and anastrozole.
Opinion & Analysis: Chavo looks like he is one of the suspended wrestlers. No other active wrestler is as linked to the deaths of Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit as Chavo is. He found Eddie's body and received bizarre text messages from Chris Benoit. I really for sorry for Chavo for all that he has been through but if the embarrassment from all this makes him stop taking this stuff then I would rather he be embarrassed then having to add his name to the list that his friend and uncle occupy.

According to SI, Funaki received somatropin in March 2006. Funaki did not appear on tonight's show. In all fairness, it is very rare when he does appear on a show.
Opinion & Analysis: This is a very easy suspension for the WWE to make. Of all the wrestlers named, Funaki's is the most surprising. I think he either got a really bad batch of this stuff or was buying it for somebody else because his physique looks like the before picture in a before and after comparison of a steroid user.

Who are the 10 Suspended Wrestlers?
There were 13 names of active WWE wrestlers brought up in the recent media reports. The two biggest names have been granted main event title shots at Unforgiven. Since the TV tapings, it has been reported that Santino Marella has appeared on house shows. That means that if everything that has been said is truthful and all the names have been publicized then these are the 10 suspended wrestlers: Chavo Guerrero, Shane Helms, John Morrison, Mr. Kennedy, Funaki, Charlie Haas, Umaga, William Regal, King Booker, and Edge.

Unforgiven Scoops News And Behind The Scenes News

WWE presents Unforgiven live on PPV on Sunday, September 16 at 8 PM ET. This event will be broadcast live from the FedEx Forum in Memphis, TN. If you do not have PPV capability, you can order the show on WWE.com or watch it at a WWE Blast Area.
The Matches:

WWE Championship Match: Champion John Cena vs. Randy Orton
Events leading to this match: Cena beat Orton last month at SummerSlam. To prove that he was deserving of a rematch, Randy attacked Cena's father and gave him a concussion.

Rey Mysterio vs. Batista

Events leading to this match: Rey earned this title shot by winning a four man tournament on a recent edition of Friday Night SmackDown. He beat Batista in the semi-finals and Finlay in the finals. The next week, the Great Khali attacked Rey. Rey was saved by Batista who was then put into this match. Last month, Khali purposely disqualified himself in a battle against Batista so he could keep the title.

Women's Championship: Champion Candice Michelle vs. Beth Phoenix
Events leading to this match:
At SummerSlam, Beth won a battle royal to earn this title shot.

World Tag Team Championship: Champions Trevor Murdoch & Garrison Cade vs. Paul London & Brian Kendrick
Events leading to this match: London and Kendrick earned this title shot by beating Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas. While on the SmackDown roster, London and Kendrick held the WWE Tag Team Championship from May 2006 until April 2007. While on tour of South Africa last week, the title changed hands twice between these teams.

The Undertaker vs. Mark Henry

Events leading to this match: The Undertaker has been out of action since May due to a vicious assault at the hands of Mark Henry shortly after a grueling steel cage match against Batista. A few moments later, Edge cashed in his Money in the Bank title shot and stole the World Heavyweight Championship from the Undertaker. Edge is currently out of action but Mark Henry has been getting cryptic messages during his matches.

WWE Tag Team Championship: Champions MVP & Matt Hardy vs. Deuce & Domino
Events leading to this match: MVP and Matt Hardy have been feuding for the past few months over the U.S. Title. In the midst of this feud, GM Teddy Long forced them to be tag team partners and fight Deuce & Domino for the tag team titles. MVP and Matt won that match and became champions. However, both men are as like to fight each other in this match as they are to fight Deuce and Domino.

No DQ for Carlito Only: Triple H vs. Carlito
Rules of the Match: Carlito can do anything he wants without getting disqualified while Triple H can be disqualified for doing something illegal.
Events leading to this match: Triple H interrupted a recent edition of Carlito's Cabana to make fun of his guest Vince McMahon. During this segment, Triple H insinuated that Carlito's sister could be the mother of Vince's illegitimate child and a few moments later he gave Carlito the pedigree.

ECW World Championship: Champion C.M. Punk vs. Elijah Burke
Events leading to this match:
ECW GM Armando Estrada declared Burke the number one contender for the title that CM Punk won last week. The former champion, John Morrison, is one of the ten wrestlers recently suspended for violation of the Wellness Policy.

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